Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wardrobe Wednesday: OOTD & Ramblings

It's cooling off a bit here lately.  So I added a long sleeve thin black tee under this dress to make it a little more work appropriate.  Since I am showing a little leg I wasn't sure about bare arms too. 
I just realized my sleeves were pushed up in the pics too...
dress- TJ Maxx
undershirt- Target
belt- Target
shoes- Payless
Oh, and I'm trying out Caroline's faux braid today.  You can watch her quick how-to video here.

I'm super excited because my amazing friend, Lauren, is in town.  She moved to Utah to go to school 2 years ago.  I haven't seen her since our wedding, which was October 2009.  We're going to meet up for dinner tonight after I go to body pump.  I'm trying so hard to stay on track lately.  I even got up at 5 a.m. yesterday and did C25K
Anyone else tried C25K?  I did it last year for a while.  I didn't make it all the way through.  But I really enjoyed doing it.  I'm very much a morning person.  So getting up and doing something like that is way easier for me than after work. 


  1. I knew I spyed Caroline's Faux Braid even before I read that it was hers! Looking good as usual!

  2. Oh i love this outfit! Very cute. I will have to try this braid soon too!

  3. i can not get that faux braid down to save my life. but you did fantastic.

    i am not a morning person...or an after work person. i'm just a lazy person.


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